Originally Posted by
Edward Penguin
Ian was slowly filling in the scratches with color when he sensed the presence of someone else sit by him. He smiled as Adi sat down. When Adi asked about him, Ian shrugged. Not much. Just here trying to help since I lost those ten points at the tree house a while back. The left is ok. My right hip is what hurts. It comes and goes. It's weird. I thought about heading to the healer sometime. But I figured if it doesn't keep me from moving, I'm ok. How are you? Ian was grateful that Adi had come to sit with him. It gave him a chance maybe to bond with one of his housemates.
Oh. That explained where those points went. But Adi was curious so, as he continued to polish, he asked ''
What happened?'' He couldn't imagine Ian getting into trouble much less causing any trouble.
Poor Ian. One side got better and the other one just took off.
"But if it doesn't get better then it's best you see the healer,'' Adi muttered as he pressed down hard over some particularly stubborn stains and tried to cover them with the polish.
"I've been good. Just being slow for some reason. And I've gotten grey hair and I grew a beard in one night!'' But he had shaved the stupid thing out so no one would see. The Puff shook his head. All this was all so crazy.
Wondering what on earth could have cause these things, Adi continued his work with more enthusiasm now that that he had gotten the stubborn stains all nice and shiny. Almost done with this broom stick now.