Join Date: May 2009 Location: Western US
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| Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees Quote:
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny Ew ew EW. WHAT WAS THAT THING. Sophie stared at the image long and hard. It made her skin crawl and the hair on the back of her neck stand up and she could feel the goosebumps on her arms, but she couldn't look away. What a horrid, evil-looking thing.
Even worse, Romanos was telling them they actually did exist. And... they hadn't been spotted around western Europe 'until now.' Okay. Cool. That wasn't super ominous or anything. NOW Sophie wanted a practical lesson on how to... stop this thing or defend themselves from it or SOMETHING. Disease? Destruction? Why hadn't she heard of it before if it was so bad? It sounded kind of like a Nundu in its level of threat to wizardkind. She raised a hand, "Professor, question - sorry - why do they bring disease and destruction? I mean, it's a demon, but is it just what they do? Or do they have to be given a reason to be so vicious? What's their purpose? Is it just in their nature to just wreak havoc wherever they go?"
And she had no idea what type of magic might be useless against one. Probably all, if the wizarding community had reason to be concerned. Or maybe Chorts were just really hard to stop? Also like Nundus, Sophie thought, which was also terrifying. Oh good, questions. Perhaps the others won't be afraid to ask, now that someone has spoken up with their confusion. "Don't be sorry for asking questions, Miss Brown." They were ENCOURAGED! "Truth be told, their purpose hasn't exactly been...discovered. Yet. It's, difficult, to pinpoint just how they vork. They, in our belief, enjoy contradicting their actions. For example, coming back to their good versus evil nature. This stems from the observation that while they have been completely hostile tovards humans and animals by first glance, they haff also been noted to sometimes flee vithout any particular reason."
"They disappear vithout a trace for days or veeks on end vith no real time structure, only to reappear in sight for years vithout a proper reasoning from vot ve can tell. They are also, 'flamboyant', in a vay, vhere they tend to leave their victim's bodies in intricate patterns in plain sight, yet they haff been seen burying them far beneath the ground. Vot is troubling the team of scientists studying these creatures, is despite their size, they are very fast creatures, and smart too, very smart...yet their unexpected migration pattern has been extremely sluggish. Granted, studies of them haff proved to be...just as slow."
She paused for a moment to think. "Apart from their undiscovered purpose, ve can only assume, in theory, it's just in their nature to be destructive." Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin Kace was doodling in his notebook again but then he noticed the professor was moving on. He looked up and noticed on the board there was a picture of a hairy looking creature. It looked quite scary....He gave the picture a quizzical look. Kace didn't know how he would even react to the creature if he ever came face to face. Would he laugh or stare at it in pure terror? Interesting questions.
Now to answer the professor's question. What kind of magic is useless on it. He smirked and raised his hand, "Professor would the body bind curse be useless on it since it looks like a huge creature?" He gave a logical answer and if he was wrong....welp then he was. "Actually... It may very vell be useful for a few seconds." she nodded slowly. "A few seconds may seem little, but it could very vell mean the difference between life and death for you." Quote:
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah Freaking Hellz yes!!! It was all hairy and dark and perhaps sensing a kindred creature, Cutty loved it! He made mental note of the Chort's migration, but did take a moment to note the particular problems they seemed to bring with them wherever they may roam. And then Professor Romanos asked of them a kvestCHUUUUUUNNNN! So his filthy hand went up. " If these creatures have the ability to bring ice and disease with them, then I would guess that there have been trials and failures of trying to curb their destructive habits with healing and weather spells. Am I right?" Well, was he? Unless she meant on the creature itself? Wait, did she? Cutty had yet to figure Medea's labyrinth-like mind out. How did she get here? ![Mellow](images/smilies/mellow.gif) "You are rather right, yes." she nodded encouragingly. Lots of trials and failures. Quote:
Originally Posted by Destiny But onto the question asked. She raised her hand. "I guess since people assume it's a demon, dark magic would be out of the question." Because who would want to try and use one of those spells on that thing and fail, right? Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Ohhh, that sounded good!
Sophie raised her hand. "I'm not sure, but THAT sounds like a good answer," she said. "I'm on her team." "It's not so much a demon as it is a dark or possibly just an incredibly dangerous creature. It vos stamped vith the term 'demon' through muggle mythology. I vill not lie, dark magic has had it's uses against the creatures, though ve vill not be learning about those spells today." Or ever. Unless they decided to go look it up somewhere. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Bart was almost listening, he liked the sound of demon something, but he didn't know the story of it so he kept quiet. Or he did until there was a parchment on his desk and he looked down at the picture, "Whoa this thing is so cool. Professor are we going to go hunting for these things? Is that why you are showing them to us?" Maybe they were going to learn spells to fight him off or something before they went looking for it.
His excitement grew and he was ready to learn and try to fully listen, but his attention kept going back to the picture and thoughts of meeting this thing head on. How cool would that be. Bart would totally rock at finding it or at least in his mind he would. ....
There were always one or two in the class....
Raising an eyebrow, she stared at the Gryffindor. "No, Mister Maroon. I vould not let you or anyone in this school near one of these creatures if I had any say in the matter." Which she did. SERIOUSNESS. She was being seriooous. Quote:
Originally Posted by Presley Black Ugh! Gwen shuddered at the picture. That thing was freaky! And magic couldn't work against it? No, she'd misheard apparently. Only certain types of magic couldn't work.
The class consensus seemed to be charms, but Gwen agreed with the boy who'd talked about shield charms and things. Charms were good. "Um, transfiguration?" she tried. One, because it was different than all of the other answers, and two because she couldn't imagine being very successful trying to transfigure a demon into something else. Especially that demon. "Nooo, not exactly Miss Jensen. Good guess though." It was a general branch of magic after all, Transfiguration. What she was basically looking for in the student's answers instead of specific spell titles. Quote:
Originally Posted by carpediem RIGHT! She actually had to SAY the idea.
"Well, potions wouldn't work! I mean, could you imagine?" She mimed pouring a bucket over and shrugged. Though did potions count as magic or were they something different all together? These were the important questions. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hey Ju Anyway, this was no time to get passionate about it, was it? Sophie was calm, really. She almost replied saying some Charms she thought would be useful against such creature - which wasn't a myth and that was quite... gah -, but professor Romanos had asked the opposite. Okay, Sophie wasn't the stubborn type, but she would NOT name any Charms right now, because she felt the need to protect her beloved subject from any more attacks. Hm. "I don't think Alchemy would be very useful." .........Random. And she didn't even know if it was truly useless against a Chort, because she knew nothing about the creature. But well; at least it wasn't 'Charms'. Quote:
Originally Posted by UnicornDragonPatronus Tessa finished scribbling down notes about the creature and listened carefully to some of the answers. "Perhaps any magic used up close- you would probably want something that could be used at a distance. For example, you probably wouldn't want to use any potion on the creature, unless you could deliver it from afar." It sounded like the closer you got to this creature, the worse your fate could be. "Potions and alchemy are actually very useful." The professor smiled a little. "In the right vay of course. Though Miss Hedge is right. It's preferable if you are further avay from the creature but, potions and alchemy...not useless." SPOILER!!: Charms peeps Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Sander took a long time to think of an answer to the Professor's question and then decided to hazard a guess. Raising his hand, he said, Professor can we assume that charms will definitely not work against it. Charms are not powerful enough to defeat a creature of this magnitude." Sander gave his answer even though he suspected it was wrong. Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Useless?
Tobias looked from the professor to the picture, trying to figure out exactly what she was getting out here. The fact was, because he knew practically nothing about the creature... demon... myth... whatever, he couldn't really give a very good answer. Well, he COULD but, there was a high chance that Professor Romanos might think he was being a walking entity of sass or something.
Still, he raised his hand. Maybe Romanos knew him well enough to realise he wasn't the sassy type. "... Charms? Like, I don't see a colour-changing spell being very much use."
............... Also that thing was scary. There, he said it. Or thought it. Whichever. Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon She copied down more of Romanos' notes as the woman spoke, idly listening to her classmates debate about spell types. Charms? "Can't some Charms alter the behavior of a creature, though? Their inherent qualities? Capabilities?" Plus, Alice figured a Bombarda Maximus would be very effective.
Besides, Charms weren't a type of magic, they were a type of spell. Did Romanos mean spell or...?
Just going to sit this one out, too. Yep. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mell Michael glanced down at the parchment that had floated onto his desk and he was rather unimpressed by the picture. It wasn't that scary looking at all.
He was just about to raise his hand to have a go at the Professor's question when he heard some of the responses from the other students and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. "Why would you think that Charms wouldn't work? Or that they are not powerful enough?" He wasn't going to call out to those students, they would know who he was talking to. "I do believe the Patronus Charm is strong enough to defeat Dementors. And the Shield Charm is able to block pretty much every spell out there except for the Killing Curse. And it can be used offensively." He paused for a moment and dropped his hand because it was starting to get tired. "If you can think outside the box, even the most simplest of spells can be used in attack or defense." He was happy to give examples but for now. "I'm not sure what the answer is because I think all magic is effective." No matter what form it is. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light WHAT. That picture. Delilah stared at it for a moment and shuddered slightly. SO. SCARY. She couldn't believe these creatures actually existed and from what the professor said.. and shuddered a little more before she started to take notes on her parchment. She crinkled her nose a little as she considered the answer to the professor's question. "Charms, maybe? Not all but yeah, a few of them would definitely be unhelpful. " Demons. Ughhhh.
Could they please talk about puppies instead? Quote:
Originally Posted by Edward Penguin Ian looked at the picture on the parchment which had appeared. It was not the terrifying, demonic creature he had expected, but it didn't look like something you'd wish to run into on a pleasant evening stroll. Ian scribbled bits and pieces of notes here and there when his hand wasn't shaking and tried to listen to the odd speaking professor. It was really hard for him to understand all she was saying. He did understand what she asked at the end of her monologue.
Ian listened to the other answers and wondered what it might be that would be ineffective. He ran through the different types of magic he knew of and the word patronus sparked in him a thought. Ian raised his hand and added with a semi-wheezy voice, I would think a patronus ineffective. While they work against the soul-stealing magic of the dementors, those are shadow creatures where this is 'flesh and blood'. Ian finished his answer and sat back in the chair to listen more. Quote:
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa What??? A chort is real. I hope to Merlin I never come in contact with one. Oichi felt a bit freaked but soon heard the next question and had an idea of an answer and attempted to answer it. She raised her hand, "Well a chort is a very powerful demon creature of pure evil. Thus it probably equates to big and powerful magical creatures in that it would be immune to most charms and hexes. And yeah, since it's completely evil dark magic is likely not to work on it". Oh dear, a lot of charms answers, and some more specifics. In this case, the specifics were nice to hear. "You all are right in some vay or another." Except Mister Strand who was against the idea of charms altogether. "Nothing is impossible ven it comes to charms. Some of the charms that vere mentioned, such as the color changing charm and the patronus charm, vould indeed haff no use ven battling against a Chort. Though you should not rule out the branch of magic altogether, or think it not strong enough. Charms can be, very powerful." "There vere some good answers, but vot I vos looking for vos...fire magic. Fire spells literally haff no use ven dealing vith a Chort. The story in mythology of them being born of flame comes from this. Perhaps it's something in their fur or skin but...they just absorbed the flame like nothing." Folding the picture she held in half, she glanced to her watch before continuing.
"They somehow produce coldness vherever they go, bringing great vinter storms vith them, though vot you'll vont to really votch out for is their horns and bite. They haff a very deadly venom vithin their system that seeps through their saliva and horns, vhich causes an extreme and lethal similar to that of Tuberculosis that, rapidly spreads, to other parts of your body and bones...usually, ending...vith death." Ahem. "VITH that in mind..."
"Vot spells do you think vill vork best against the creature? Please don't rule anything out, even if you think it may not be 'strong' enough. Keep in mind, as I said to Miss Brown, they are very quick creatures. Very quick and very smart." |