Originally Posted by
lemon "You should." Alice nodded a little, giving Bay an encouraging smile. He could do it, she was sure. "Maybe you could get her one or something. Her own furball. For, like, Christmas." Were pygmy puffs expensive? She had no idea, but if Victor could afford it, then there was no point in not doing it, yeah?
No books. The seventh year didn't even want to think about something like not having literature to lose herself in. "I really like Muggle novels. The old kind, from way long ago... classics and stuff. What kind is your favorite?"
Bay nodded in agreement.
"Oh thats a great idea!! I'll owl my parents to see if I can do it" he said happily.
"i'll give you full credit for the idea" he told her while getting more comfortable.
"I love muggle books too" he told her… but not like really old.. he wondered what she meant about how old…
"I love reading westerns… its my thing" he said while picturing a western in his head
"the duels, the horses… old fashion living.. whats not to love" laughing
Bay pulled out a chocolate frog, he didn't know if they were allowed in the Library but he was real quite about it plus he had a few extras.
"did you want a chocolate frog Alice?" he asked her.