Adi tried to decide which of the tasks he should pursue when Professor Tyner was finished talking. He could pretty much handle all of them. He glanced at the others and that's when he noticed Ian. Ian had already gotten started.
"I think I'll do some polishing, Professor,'' he told the woman. He grinned and shuffled off towards his fellow second year badger.
Originally Posted by
Edward Penguin
Ian nodded as he was given some instructions. He looked around at what the other students were doing. He'd seen Bart and decided it was best to stay away from him. They seemed to get in some measure of trouble when in close proximity.
He went and saw one of the brooms which appeared scratched up rather badly and decided he could polish a broom. He grabbed a rag and some polish and found a spot to sit. He began to examine the broom's shaft and found the worst spots. He put some of the polish on the broom and slowly applied the polish to the handle, filling in the scratches.
Adi grabbed a rather faded broomstick, a piece of cloth and some polish.
"Hi, Ian,'' he greeted. Feeling very glad to finally sit, he plopped down next to his friend.
"What's up? How's that left side?'' He did remember the cane and Ian saying something was wrong with his left side earlier.
The Puffer dipped the cloth into the polish and to smear it bit by bit over the handle of the old broom. Rub, rub, rub. Got to make it look as good as new.