cœur perfide | super prosecutor | Ameh's Squishy
Skander gave Emily a sad smile at her insistence that she really did think he should stay. If circumstances were different not even this promotion would get him to leave. There were reasons he'd decided to leave Australia after all. Reasons that were still valid. But alas, the circumstances that would force him back towards the life he'd been content leaving behind were now there. "I suppose it is," but then Skander had always appreciated the irony of life. He was slightly glad that Emily appreciated the fact that he couldn't turn down a promotion. One he wasn't likely to get for quite a few years if he stayed. He hadn't even applied for the promotion when he could have, and he was honestly glad for Vic when he got it. Lord knew that the man had deserved it, was probably better qualified for the position as well. He also knew that there was no other way for him to really advance in the MLE here. If he played his cards right in Australia then he could progress further. The new Head wasn't young either, and would probably retire in another few years. "Thank-you," Skander said, straightening his back. He was glad for all the time he spent masking his true emotions in order to succeed in his chosen profession. He was also glad that Emily wasn't the emotional type. If she was he couldn't guarantee that he'd keep a tight lid on his emotions and he'd never really liked mixing too much of his personal life in with work. How many of his colleagues even knew he had siblings? Probably none of them, except those who had access to his file. "You'll have the letter by the end of the week," he assured her. Much as he wanted to change his mind he couldn't. "I wont take up the position until the Ministry closes over the break so I'm willing to continue my position up until then," which was only fair since there'd be no-one to fill his position until afterwards. "I should probably tell Vic and Emma as well," he mused. Thinking that his colleagues, those he worked with regularly should be informed before they found that someone else had simply taken his place. "Who knows. I might be writing to you within a year begging you to take me back," he joked. Although, he wasn't ruling out the possibility. If what drove him here the first time was still as bad as it had been then he'd definitely be looking for work again. He wasn't even selling his apartment here, just renting it out. Although he had to leave he wasn't going to make it so that he couldn't come back if that became an option.
Last edited by Saiai; 01-28-2014 at 03:50 PM.