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Squishy He wasn't saying no; that was a good thing, right? "Well, it wouldn't be anything bad or dangerous... But it would be for Chocolate Frogs." Lux wanted to have fun with Lucas and make bets with him, but she did not want to ask him to do anything that would make him sick or cause him to get hurt. "We can even take turns with bets, so you can ask me to do things!" It could be more fun that way.
Lux bit her lip. She hoped she hadn't sounded like her siblings were boring or she did not like spending time with them. "Well, sometimes... but my sister is 21 and my brother is 25 and they don't live at home anymore." It wasn't that she never saw them, because she did... it was more that they weren't always there and she missed them. "But yeah, I do have you, and you have me!" They would have so much fun together like they had been so far. "That's very true! And if you don't, I can even help you with stuff if you ever need it... like for becoming a Healer." Because even if he was too young now, she knew that they would be friends for a long time.
Now it was her turn to thank him. "Thanks, Lucas. That makes me feel a little better." If he could see that she would be awesome if she got over her fear, it must be true! Her goal was to be able to fly by the end of the Term so that she could try out for the Quidditch team. "Oh, that's interesting that you are not that similar, but I bet you could be more confident like he is if you come out of your shell a little more at Hogwarts." Lucas had it in him, even if he could seem shy and awkward; he had no trouble talking to her! "Oh, they are a really nice team! Maybe we could go see one of their matches together some time!"
Meh. Of course he had to ask her that. "Heights. Definitely heights. But ghosts scare me too." The thought of Sir. Nick at the feast made her shudder, and she remembered hiding into Bay and Tessa. "What's your biggest fear?" She could have thought of a new question, but she was honestly interested in knowing what his fear was.
Lucas nodded with no small amount of enthusiasm.
"You better have a ready supply of chocolate frogs, Ariel. It's on. What's the wager?" He didn't even CARE who was asking, there was CHOCOLATE to be had. Food. Food was an excellent incentive for the young Lion. It didn't
actually matter what food it was.
Oh. That sucked. And Lucas mirrored his thoughts with an empathetic grimace.
"That sucks. They should come visit more often!" And he felt seriously grateful that he had a twin brother. An AWESOME twin that was ALWAYS home and around and could generally be coaxed into playing Quidditch when their Dad was in a good mood to play keeper. He nodded brightly. Hogwarts was definitely a funner place when you had actual
friends and Lucas was mighty glad he had made a few this term.
"That's.. thanks Lux," the boy said sincerely. It was sweet. Very, very sweet.
The 'getting over the flying thing' was really the obstacle. And then hopefully being really adamant about getting good at Quidditch. No biggie. At his age, it seemed like a walk in the park.
"Sure. Tessa will get you flying circles around everyone in no time."
He nodded brightly as she spoke about being more confidant but felt a little unsettled by that. James
was more outgoing and charismatic, but while Lucas was always a little more nervous at first, he didn't think there was anything
wrong with that. His shell was fine. Or at least he'd thought so. Was he being WEIRD? Oh. Frowny.
Quidditch, however, was always a good distraction.
"Yes! Definitely. Next time they're playing at home, I'll see if we can get some tickets."
Heights and ghosts. Well at least one of them wouldn't have an impact on her intended career. He shuddered.
"Apparently when they walk through you, it feels really cold." Except, Lucas had actually seen the Fat Friar floating in the corridor on his way up to Astronomy and he wasn't sure that he was scared of the weird man in period costume. Hm.
"Have you spoken to any of the Hogwarts ghosts?"
Oh man. OF COURSE she would ask that. Lucas squirmed a little, circling the rim of his glass.
"Um, uh, I don't know really, I guess.. I worry sometimes about embarrassing myself." That was weird, but the creeping sensation of a burning blush really irritated Lucas. He HATED feeling humiliated.