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Tiara arrived in the broomshed with a box under her arm. Overflowing its edges were several pairs of tail-twig clippers, large containers of Fleetwood's handle polish, several brand new polishing cloths, and a few other random tools. She was hopeful that with the bright, sunny day they were having, a few students with free time would show up to help her refurbish the school brooms. Ever since the school had reclaimed what they goblins had repossessed, Tiara had noticed that the brooms were in less than tip-top condition. But as the Quidditch season was upon them, it really was time for that to change.
She set down the box and pulled down the nearest broom. It was time to get to work.
'Course Alice was there. She wasn't eager to be helpful in most all situations, but anything involving Quidditch had the seventh year's attention in a heartbeat. Including broom refurbishment.
"Hi professor." Merlin, those things looked dingy. Beautiful, but dingy. How did anyone even ride them? Alice found herself mentally thanking the Quidditch gods that she had her own broom by now.
"Whatcha need help with?" Polishing? Clipping? Getting the most hideous of the sports quipment out of her sight? Tyner's wish was her command.