*finally!* (accompanying Lex) Eagle Eye [⅓ Badger Trio] Felon & Kafka ♥ Gilderoy Lockhart <3 [TEAM 947!] Text Cut: Prefect Cambridge Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Despite there being plenty of seats she could occupy her butt with, Lex opted to pace the floor, being careful not to bump into her bestie as she did. Waiting til the end of the week was meant to give the grey hair time to leave not take up half her head of hair and leave her looking rather questionnable. There was nothing she wanted more than to charm them blonde AGAIN and tell them to stay but if that didn't work the first million times it wouldn't work now, so it was time to get professional help with charming this stuff back to normal.
The pacing was made difficult after some time because of her knees but she refused to give into them and stop. This just wouldn't do. Who's bright idea of a funny jinx was this?
Finite didn't remove it and no magical detectors were picking it up, whatever it was. These students were getting better at pranking people, she'd give them that much and nothing else because she did NOT appreciate being the subject of these pranks. Lex bit the head off what might have been her third chocolate frog as she went on force!pacing.
Where WAS the Healer? Didn't she know she was dying???--Okay... okay no she wasn't dying but MERLIN.
There was one person with sufficient patience to actually take a seat, and that was clearly not Lex. So, Lottie decided to wait for the Healer while sitting down. This could take a while. In the meantime, she'll occupy herself watching more and more gray hairs appearing on her bestie's head.
Kidding, of course, there were no new gray hairs, and there weren't too many to begin with. The sole reason she told Lex to come here was because of the joints stuff? Gray hairs were of no concern, but the other was actually important. You know, Quidditch-wise.
Not to mention it would make it impossible for Lex to climb trees with Lottie in the long run, so, yeah.
Her eyes followed the pacing Prefect and then she sighed, "You can have a little bit of patience, though, you're first on the Healer's list." There was no one else here. |