SPOILER!!: Gah super late >.< and annoyingly short. Sorry!
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The Ravenclaw had a point there. When was the last time she'd walked by the Hospital Wing and found it full to over-flowing with students complaining about various ailments that probably didn't even exist. You'd think the woman's demeanor alone would keep them from packing up in that place like sardines for the least little hiccup in their day. Strange people they were.
Alexa sat perfectly still, waiting for him to begin his turn of fire breathing. Had to be mentally prepared for this as well given what the fire was set to do. All thet tickling and she didn't want to be doubled over.
At the nod, Lex braced herself. When the fire hit her, it was mostly just a warm feeling at first but then the funny tickling happened that had her squirming and stifling a laugh. Merlin, this was going to be a repeat of class wasn't it?? There wasn't even a hope of composing herself as he continued blowing and the laugh got harder to contain. Hehehehehe, he needed to stop now cheeks were starting to hurt from all the laughs she was trying to hold back. HAHAHAHAHA!
"Okay okay!" The squirming didn't stop even as she succumbed to the laughter.
Hearing Lex's small plea, Jun stopped and grinned. At least she hadn't caught a coughing fit like he did. But maybe sitting down was a better option than standing. Setting himself next to the prefect, Jun swung his legs under the table and grabbed the quill.
Scribble. Scribble. Scribble.
How did the person react?
Yaddy yada.
Jun let Lex compose herself before asking more questions. But as if they had plenty of time anyway. The dark haired boy turned to her and gave her a small nudge.
"So Prefect Candy, what was it like?" Scribble, Scribble.