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Well, isn't that special?
Honestly, she was disliking the Minister even more with each minute she was in his presence. One would think he would know the names of all of his department heads, considering he was their BOSS, but whatever. "Mr. Yenorin is the head of International Cooperation and while it's true that my area of expertise is climate charms and the like, it most definitely does not extend to pests and mutants. That would be Creatures," Roxanne reminded the Minister firmly. She didn't notice him move out of the way, but that wasn't a necessary maneuver anyway.
Though he did seem to keeping tabs on the stupid mutants. "Last I heard, they have all been captured, though I haven't heard anything on the removal front." But she would be glad to see the back of them herself.
Anyway, on to why she was really here. She aimed her wand at the now visible charm and did the spell. "Aeneas Summanus!" That should fix it. Could she leave now?
As always, Ms. Carter was unaccountably rude. Albert sighed and ran a hand through his damp hair, tamping down the impatience that crept in every time he dealt with the unpleasant woman. Honestly, if they couldn't find middle ground, he was going to have to replace her with someone who shared his vision.
"I'm aware of Mr. Yenorin and the position he holds, thank you," Albert responded in a clipped tone. "What I said was that I'm not sure why our head of International Cooperation is weighing in on climate control issues when that is your jurisdiction, although the point is salient in regards to pest control as well." Thankfully, the water stopped, and Albert stepped toward his desk to see what could be rescued.
"It would do you well to figure out how to maintain a collegial relationship with me, Ms. Carter, or else think about taking your considerable talents elsewhere. Perhaps the former minister liked being spoken to like a naughty schoolboy, but I would prefer a more moderate tone. Now, I truly appreciate your expertise in resolving the rain in my office. Thank you for your assistance." Ahem. "You may be excused."