There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Sander quickly rushed into the arena thinking that he was going to be late and almost slipped on the arena's floor. He quickly grabbed on to the nearest post and managed to right himself thus preventing a bad fall. Then he took another step and his foot slipped from under him. Sander immediately twisted around and grabbed hold of that same post again. He stood there for a moment afraid to move another foot.
As he stood there, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that class hadn't started yet. He hated being late for class but lately, he had to spend more time, trimming his nose and ear hairs, shaving off the beard which was now growing faster overnight than it had done before. Then of course he had to moisturize his hands and face. His skin on his hands was becoming more wrinkled each day and just the other day he actually found crows feet near his eyes.
But he was here now. He looked down at the ground and noticed that it looked slick like it was wet or super glossy. Reluctant to loosen his grip on the post, but knowing that he had to, he released his hold around the post. Sander placed one foot in front of the other, carefully tip toeing his way across the room, as he made his way to the Professor who was standing up in front of the class.
'Now why couldn't she have been standing at the entrance?Sander grumpily thought to himself even as he approached her. As he neared her, his grumpiness disappeared and he genuinely smiled at the Professor.
"Good morning, Professor. It is good to see you again. I would like to thank you for giving me permission to duel in the arena. It was really good experience for me." Sander nodded his thanks.