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Old 01-21-2014, 04:49 AM   #50 (permalink)
Albert Kettleburn
Minister for Magic
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Ministry
Posts: 175

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
After her rather informative (and not in a good way) trip to level 2, Roxanne made her back up to level 1 and the Minister's Office. Normally, she would've sent Alex up here, since the Minister and his rather odd ideas on rudeness she had knocked the last time, thank you very much weren't her favorite, but this was important. And not just because the rain in the man's office.

"Minister Kettleburn," she began, knocking on the door, "I understand you have need of some climate control services?" Note be taken that she had most definitely knocked AND stated her business AND waited to be told to enter this time, so she didn't want any discussion of some imagined rudeness, thank you.
"Enter," Albert sighed from inside the protective bubble he had created around his desk, ostensibly keeping his belongings and himself dry, although the rest of the room was a soggy mess. Bubble life was not ideal. The air grew stale, there was a damp, and occasionally the bubble would spring a leak and dribble water all down his back.

"Yes I absolutely am in need of those services. This is quite a predicament we are finding ourselves in. Have your people identified what is causing all this... precipitation?" And could they stop it... more important question.
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