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Old 01-21-2014, 02:08 AM   #7 (permalink)

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Join Date: Feb 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaitlynn Hopsisk
Second Year
Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.

Originally Posted by Presley Black View Post
Hope knew. It was obvious that Hope knew, she was practically handing Gwen the answer on a silver platter. He only had one eye. Why had Gwen not thought of that? Because the stupid riddle said 'a man without eyes' and she'd assumed it meant without either eye.

Gwen sighed. The answer was clear now that Hope had basically told her. "There are only two plums, and he takes one and leaves the other," she concluded. It was all in the use of the plural vs. singular. As Gwen finished the answer the door swung open. Thanks to Hope who had known the whole answer all along. "Um, thanks for the help, Hope," Gwen tried to smile, her face flushing in embarrassment. Maybe she should just find an empty classroom and move in because this riddle thing was getting ridiculous.
Hope grabbed the door and pulled it closed after the girl had finished the riddle and said thanks. "Let's get one little thing clear real quick. I don't like people who self loath over the stupidest of things." Okay, even to her own ears that sounded mean and harsh and it wasn't her intention to be mean towards Gwen.

"HOWEVER, I have one exception to each rule I have and for this rule you are that exception." Hope gave her a soft smile and placed a hand on the girls shoulder. "I don't usually do the whole friend thing and I don't lend shoulders to cry on and I really don't tolerate people who can't seem to get past their own self doubt. However, you are my friend and I am going to be here for you. We will get you through this together. I still believe that you can do it on your own though."

She gave the girl a nudge forward toward the knocker. "The best advice that I can give you is to practice. Get another riddle and keep trying. I meant those words I said at the feast. You were meant to be in this house. The hat is never wrong. I also mean what I just said. I'm here for you."

Out of the knockers mouth came. "What is the beginning of the end, the end of time, the middle of yesterday, and nowhere in tomorrow?" Hope looked at Gwen. "Are we going to go in or are we going to stand here all night?" She wasn't going to answer it...well, she would after the other Ravenclaw gave it three tries.

She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down.

Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
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