Grumpy Ella was grumpy.
She'd found a gray hair this morning. A GRAY HAIR! And Ella Bishop did NOT do gray hair. She wasn't Gran, she couldn't rock that yet. Merlin, what if someone had seen that before she plucked it out? O__O Hair problems were the WORST. She needed to get a handle on anything stressing her out before another one popped up or worse, her entire head started being covered in them. She couldn't let that happen.
The eighteen year old wandered into the classroom, the usual smile missing from her face. She did force one when she saw the new professor, though. She needed to make a good impression even if she
was dealing with the hair crisis of the century.
"Hello, Professor."
And then the blonde slowly made her way over to a seat by Delilah, needing to surround herself with good hair vibes at the moment.
"Hey." The fellow blonde badger got a faint smile and a finger wiggle in greeting.
Oh, name tag.
Scribble. Scribble. Scribble. Quote:
Ella Bishop
Seventh Year