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Old 01-19-2014, 10:05 PM   #5 (permalink)

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Join Date: Feb 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaitlynn Hopsisk
Second Year
Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.

Originally Posted by Presley Black View Post
Gwen sighed half in relief, half in frustration. Good, someone was here to help her, but she might feel doubly stupid if another first year could figure it out and she herself, could not. "Hi, Hope." She gestured to the knocker. "I can't get the riddle. I thought it might have been that he had a friend with him, but apparently that was wrong."

Hope was pretty smart, right? She usually had correct answers in class, and she just acted smart. She stood up and waited while the knocker repeated the riddle for her classmate. "Um, could you maybe not tell anyone that I couldn't get it? It's just, there are already rumors because I have to wait so often." Which definitely ensured Gwen would never be out after curfew, because she certainly wasn't going to sleep in the hall.

She turned the riddle over again in her head trying to catch a misplaced word or something that would clue her in, but she couldn't find anything. "A man without eyes sees plums on a tree." Maybe she should start with that bit? How did a man without eyes see?

Memory maybe. Maybe it was a tree that he thought had plums on it because it had when he could see? And now it had no plums so he couldn't take or leave any? She repeated that theory to the knocker who again said nothing, but didn't grant her admission. Great. Stupid twice and once while Hope was here. She was beginning to think that the knocker had a thing against her and simply wouldn't open because it was Gwen and the knocker knew as well as she did that she wasn't a real Ravenclaw.
Hope gave the girl a small smile. "They aren't all easy, don't feel bad. I've struggled with a few too." Okay, maybe she had only struggled with one, but she didn't want the girl to be all upset and what not. It wasn't cool and wasn't very Ravenclaw of her. However, Hope truly believed the girl would come into her wisdom and critical thinking skills sooner or later.

"A man with no eyes. That is plural. Sees plums on a tree. So, he's not blind if he can see. Maybe he only has one eye?" Mhm. That definitely made sense to her. After all, blind people can only see with their hands and their ears. You can't hear plums and plums could feel like other things. "Yes. I think we shall go with the assumption this man has at least one eye to see out of."

She turned to the girl hoping she could continue it out. She was fairly certain she knew the answer but she didn't want to show off. Or maybe she did, she just didn't want to make Gwen feel worse than what she already felt. "He take's no plums and leaves no plums. Both use of that word is plural, so?" Would she get it? Could she?

She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down.

Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
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