Atypical Ravenclaw Bookworm // Hair Flipper Pro / / the edgy starbuckian // Hot Messie Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura looked at Lana and sighed, this was getting them nowhere fast and this was why she really didn't want to talk about it. "No that's not what I intended to do at first." Laura pouted surely her sister knew she hadn't intended to do anything like this. "At first I was just going to grans but no one was there so I decided to call a friend and it snowballed from there." Laura sighed. "And I thought about writing but I got distracted racing horses, I have three, Lightning, McQueen and Rocket." Laura beamed, she had fallen in love with her horses and had actually won a few races over the summer with them. "And time just flew by without me realising it."
Laura then looked at her sister, why was she being so mean when she did exactly the same thing except her parents knew where she was and how to get in touch. It was hard getting in touch with someone who was so busy with racing horses and spending time out with them all the time. "What else did you did Twinnie." Laura looked down at her feet. Lana wasn't completely sure how to take what she was hearing at the moment. Of course her sister didn't intend for this to all happen, but it was still a bit difficult for her to get her mind around what she was hearing. "Well, of course she wasn't there. I was with grans for a week after got home." It was supposed to be a surprise for them after they returned home but seeing as her sister never did make it home; she wouldn't have known about. "Racing horses? You have three?!" Yes, she was definitely having a difficult time processing what she was hearing. "I don't even know what to say, Silly Bean. I just understand at all."
She knew that the tables would turn on her and she would have to tell Laura more about what she did, but she wasn't going to just tell all without her sister having to fight it out of her. "After I said bye to grans, I went with some of my friends." That was completely true though and she wasn't keeping secrets there. "You know a city here, a few days in the country." It was an around adventure really. "But I wrote home at least once a week and I even called home often." Yes, she hadn't been home long, but she haven't completely turned her back on her family whilst she distanced herself from them. |