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Old 01-10-2014, 04:22 PM   #11 (permalink)
Casey O

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Join Date: Jun 2012
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Second Year
Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler

SPOILER!!: Lesta westa
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black View Post
Text Cut: The Laaaaadies

Awar looked down at the toast, fighting the urge to pick it up and eat it. Apparently, that's looked down upon. Pfft.

She smiled big and hugged her friend back tightly, "I knoooooow!! My brother and I went to go visit my grandparents in Spain. Lost touch. Sorry! But, I'm peachy...and hungry, but well! How are you, my friend?"

She approached the other younger puff and offered her hand, "Hi! Awarlesta Black, fifth year!"

Marigold grinned and didn't let go of her friend. LESTAAAA. She listened to her story, then replied surprised. "YOU have a BROTHER!?!??!" she asked in shock. WHAAAat. But at least she had a REAL reason to not write Marigold, yep. "I'm good! Hungry, like you. I need more toast." To replace the fallen warrior.

Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Lux giggled at Marigold. She was rather funny. "What's a brownie point though?" Maybe she was stupid, but she had never heard anyone say that before, and she did not know what points had to do with brownies, as delicious as they are.

Hmmm. Lux bit her lip. "I am sure we can work a name out from that." But what though? Chocolate was nice, but she was not sure if that would be a good nickname, since it would make her want chocolate every time she said it!

Marigold giggled loudly at Lux. "A brownie point is you have to make brownies for me," she said laughing. Or was that it? She thought so at least. More giggles. "But I'll share the brownies with you of course." So don't make them poisonous. GRIN.

"I don't know. My other nicknames are either Mari or Goldy or something along those lines." She ignored Goldilocks cuz EW.

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