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Old 01-10-2014, 02:31 AM   #8 (permalink)
Casey O

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Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black View Post
SPOILER!!: Lesta
Awar skipped into the Great Hall. Her stomach had awakened her and urged her to get some good Hogwarts food because what's better than the food at Hogwarts? NOTHING. Not even Manolo's Famous Strawberry and Whipped Cream Topped Cinnamon Waffles. Sorry Manolo.

Luckily, there were a couple people already in the hall and it made her look less desperate for food, which wouldn't have stopped her anyways. As she got closer, she recognized one of her close younger friends, Marigold.


Marigold turned away from Lux as she heard a familiar voice. She saw Lesta and JUMPED up and ran over to hug her friend.

"LESSSSSSSTAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" she shouted, accidentally dropping her toast on Lesta's foot. Whoopsie. She beamed at the other girl. "How are you? I haven't seen you!!!"

Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
"I would have been okay if you forgot," Lux assured Marigold. If she ever forgot, it would be okay and there would be no need to feel embarrassed; it was not as if Lux was a common name by any means, and people did tend to forget at times.

Hmmm. Lux had a feeling she should change the no food-based nickname situation that Marigold was in. "Well, what's your favorite food? I can give that to you as your food nickname!" As long as it would not make a strange name, it would work and they would both have food names!

Noticing another Hufflepuff join them, Lux waved and smiled. "Good morning to you too." Clearly this was one of Marigold's friends.

Marigold smiled at Lux. "No it wouldn't have, but I remembered so brownie points for meeee!" she said, giggling and joking okay maybe not but food was on the mind. But she definitely would not forget her name now.

Marigold giggled. "And then we could be food nickname buddies!" Giggle. "Uhm... I like chocolate a LOT. But I also like corn-on-the-cob." Yep.

Lux was super easy to talk to so she was just gonna keep talking to her yep.

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