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Old 01-10-2014, 01:45 AM   #12 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
... That thing about looking cool in front of younger kids? Yeah... that hadn't gone well, had it?

The boy reached up a hand and ruffled his hair when he heard what Elrod had to say next. "I thought you meant... that you didn't..." He shook his head. There was no use. And he was probably going to end up making an even bigger fool of himself. "Or maybe... weird. I mean... it's the best sport out there! What's not to love?" Truth.

... Wait. Cutty Mordaunt? Cutty. Mordaunt? CUTTY. MORDAUNT?! "You're the billywig boy?" he asked, looking at the boy incredulously. No... was it? "Someone's bullying you?" Protectiveness alert. Even if he didn't really know this boy but... people shouldn't be bullying other people, you know? Alec looked around the room before dropping his voice and saying, "Are you being bullied by Sophie Newell?" Head Boy needed to know this.

The seventh year hadn't noticed the glance towards his hair this time. All he knew was that there had been a glance towards that direction before and he had to make sure his hair looked good. It was a necessity, you know? Making sure your hair looked per-- ... Huh? Hair expert? "Well... I know a lot about hair and how to keep it looking good," Did that count as being an expert? "Why'd you ask?"
A soft, clicky-metallic sound was made when Cutty took out his cauldron and moved it about on the surface of the desk, having decided which potion he was to work on that day. His head was down as he worked to layout and clean his tools of the trade, which he did by use of magic.

His eyes shot open when he felt the Headboy's hand upon his head. He'd given Cassia Somerlad permission, but maybe it wasn't a bad idea to allow anyone with a badge touch-permission. Maybe? Maybe. Yeah. The corners of Cutty's mouth curled up in a pursed lip smile that somewhat resembled his mother's. He looked like a freshly awoken baby orangutan by the time Headboy was done with him because his frail and straight hair stuck straight up if he'd slept on it. And it stayed that way as the Slytherin boy ignored it. "That's exactly how I feel about it. Best sport in the entire universe!" Cutty mostly liked the high incident of accident and injury, and the strategy. To him, it was the engagement of scheme with all of the promise of a blood-sport. He was a barbarian.

What happened next was totally and utterly first. Cutty expression washed to neutral, which may have given his ruffled hair a more ridiculous backdrop than the wide-eyed smile. He was able to ignore the Billywig boy comment for now, because Headboy!Alec was a gift that kept on giving. "What?? N'Noo." He said trying his best to be convincingly unconvincing. "I'm not afraid of some girl. I mean, even if she does have a temper and tried to beat up a fifth year student in our house...I just..No, no, I'm not." But, there was some part of him that genuinely didn't want to land Sophie Newell in trouble. Some weird Slytherin solidarity thing that they did in the name of house points. Or so they said. "Oh, please don't do anything to her. It's not her fault. She sort of fancies me and well, ...yeah." He said, trying to put a jilted-lover angle on this steaming pile of Abraxan excrement as he opened up a pouch full of little crystal phials his mum had gotten him from Diagon Alley. And, then he thought to add, "Though, if she pushes it too far, I promise I'll come to you." Confident nod. Confident smile. Because he knew Headboy could handle this. Oh, yes.

Cutty laid out his crystal phials one by one in front of his cauldron and then as casually as he could asked, "As for hair. Well, that's sort of why I asked. I can't do a thing with mine and I was wondering if you had any tips or secrets?" Like some type of initiation process. Hogwarts hair club for men. "And, what do you mean 'Billywig Boy'?"
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