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Tessa matched the girl's grin. It was already reassuring that she was getting along with the Captain of the team- and based on the girl's build and the callouses on her hands, she knew what she was doing. Excellent.
"I don't want to go pro, I am going pro," she correct with a proud grin- she wasn't being cocky not completely, it was just a fact. "I've already talked to a few scouts, I just need to keep sharp for try-outs," she told the girl. There would be no stopping her from achieving her goal.
She nodded. "At every school I've been to," she told the girl. "I even brought my broom," she explained. "Granted, whether I can use it depends on your rules," she added, remembering how other schools had made using their brooms mandatory. Even out the playing field and such.
Sander was making his rounds visiting the other tables when he came across a familiar face at the Gryffindor table. It was Tessa, the girl he shared the carriage up to the castle with. Right now she was busy chatting with someone and Sander didn't want to interrupt, so he decided to hang back for a moment hoping that she would see him.
He had definitely enjoyed their chat in the carriage.