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Old 01-03-2014, 04:20 AM   #112 (permalink)
Casey O

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Join Date: Jun 2012
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Default What's a nickname for an annoying, New Yorker who was annoying hot? -Marigold
Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler

Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
"I think it's fitting." Mitchell replied with a smirk. And just because she was annoyed by it, he planned on calling her that forever. Smirrrrk.

"Don't lie." he said giving her a nudge. She missed him. That's why she was here. You couldn't fool him, Goldilocks!

"Sure. Griffin Door." he said with a half shrug. "Nope. I know nothing about this place." He then looked around for what he guessed was a Hufflepuff.

"Is that... a skunk?" It looked like one.
"In what way is it fitting? My name, hair, or naivety?" said Marigold, annoyed. BAH. What was it about this boy that made her simultaneously want to hug him and slug him?? And that smirk did NOT look promising...

"Nope! I did not miss you. Not oooone bit." She did not, and planned on never ever missing him, nope. Smirk. She got off better this time, buckaroo.

She was surprised, even though she had known it. Who knew nothing about Hogwarts? All non muggles she knew had either heard of or attended Hogwarts. Americans. Bah humbug.

"NO. That is a BADGER, a symbol of a hardworking, loyal house!" She huffed. "Why did I even bother coming over here anyway?"
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