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Old 04-28-2013, 07:43 AM
Nordic Witch Nordic Witch is offline
Default Library Code of Conduct

"A warning: If you rip, tear, shred, bend, fold, deface, disfigure, smear, smudge, throw, drop, or in any other manner damage, mistreat, or show lack of respect towards this book, the consequences will be as awful as it it within my power to make them." - Irma Pince

1. Follow and respect all SS rules and especially the School rules whilst role-playing in the school.
2. Please do not post OOC (out of character) comments in your posts. If you must say something out of character please use the post title or even better the VM/PM systems.
3. Do not enter the restricted section without permission. If you for character reasons need to retrieve a book from the restricted section please get a signed permission slip from a teacher; preferably associated with the book you want to loan. And also speak to the librarian before entering the roped off section of the library. Student’s found in the restricted section without permission will receive an appropriate punishment.
4. Do not bring any food or drink into the library except water.
5. Talk in low tones in the library and remember to keep track of your belongings.
6. The library is place for enjoyment and study. Any unruly or disrespectful behavior will result in warnings, house point loss, detention or some other punishment found appropriate by the librarian or present school staffer.
7. Any and all attempts to ruin or sabotage a book or other library goods will result in punishment.
8. Please do not hesitate to ask for/or seek assistance. The library is an amazing asset for learning new things. If you have any questions, stop by the front desk or seek out the librarian in his office.

All graphics in the library are credited to Holmesian Feline.