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I don't like this. I feel like it limits the audience. So sad. I was really hoping it would be a television show or movie!
Theatre DOES limit the audiences to a certain degree, but no where near as much as it used to. We have the internet, there will be images, videos of it. You can still follow the creation of it, the success. They might even release a DVD version of it one day, like they have done with Cats, RENT, and Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War Of The Worlds - just to name three. It's not the same as being IN the theatre watching it, but theatre is nowhere near as secretive, selective, or classist as it once was.
That being said, I firmly believe theatre is the BEST form of media for the story we're going to be told. Theatre's got this magic and intimacy to it that TV and film lack, even in a huge West End theatre. It'll add something to the story and the experience that book, film, and TV wouldn't be able to.
And who knows... theatre grows and moves around. They might make a touring version around the UK, and the success of that could lead to productions away from the UK.
I guess it comes down to this: Don't be sad about it, because we're going to get something beautiful (with the right creative crew/teams), and with hope there will be ways for us who cannot get to London to still see it.