08-11-2013, 01:21 AM
of Professor Tyner Tucked under the Hogwarts Quidditch stadium is the office of the Quidditch Official, Professor Tiara Tyner. Due to its sequestered location, it is not uncommon to see a Patronus rush by with a message to or from the castle. As you approach the door, you notice a small nameplate and a sign underneath that says PLEASE KNOCK.
Once invited into the cozy study, your first impression is likely of light and freshness. Professor Tyner has a window looking directly onto the pitch, which is frequently left open, where she can keep tabs on anyone using the practice pitch. The study is fairly bare with only a small desk and two rickety, wooden chairs for furniture. However, at least twenty pictures line the walls, all of Professor Tyner in her glory days as a gymnast. Besides the pictures, a lone whistle hangs from a hook on the back of the door.
Don't let the barren appearance fool you, though. When not at her home in Hogsmeade, Professor Tyner is always available to give sound, practical advice about Quidditch, careers, or personal issues. |