Originally Posted by D.A Forever Dark eyes still on the jarvey grumbling to itself, knowing he should find something else to do, or rather continue looking at the other creatures - maybe something more friendly, one that didn't necessarily talk either, but Johnny stayed where he was.
He probably should have asked someone for advice before now, whether or not it was a wise idea to adopt a creature as a present for Ophelia, but in the back of his mind he could already hear Rari's voice telling him no, don't be stupid, in more words than what were necessary. And there was Eddie, who would be giving him that look..
Shaking his head to clear those thoughts, Johnny turned at the sound of laughter, which was coming from a girl that had appeared rather close beside him. He hadn't even noticed. "Pleasant little buggers, aren't they?" He commented cheerfully, and offered a grin. Hayley hadn't even really been paying attention to the guy she had creeped up on. She had been more interesting in the cursing Jarvey. That is until the guy spoke, and she shot the guy a grin back in return. "Yeah very pleasant, I almost want one as a bully-proof vest" she inwardly cringed at her own wording. Seriously if you just heard that you'd probably guess she was muggle...you'd be half right - raised by them at least. "Must say even if they aren't that cheery I'd still get one and house it in my dorm" she nodded. Yep, dorms she hated them but having a cursing thing with her would make it more lively. Especially when it would crawl around the floor and spit curses out from under the very deserving girls beds.
It would be priceless. "You ever had one? A Jarvey that is?" She asked brightly as she turned her attention to the creature and to the boy at the same time. "Oh I'm Hayley by the way, Hayley Payne" she grinned brightly.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |