Against All Odds - Sa13+ Tricksy Hobbitses The final battle is over, and in a strange twist of fate evil beat good and Voldemort won. Hogwarts isn't the same afterwards. Everybody must get a barcode tattoo now, stating their full background. Including blood status. It's the way to get food, get into the dorm and get around school safely. But certain students think there might be a twist to the story. A very harmful twist.
Enter the rebellion. A group of graduates and students who work together from the inside and out to find out the truth. They figured out a way to get the barcodes off. Now they just have to stop Voldemort. Disclaimer: I do not own anything in this fiction. J.K Rowling owns all of the wonderful characters and the setting. I only own the plot that I'm putting them through.
It was dark throughout Hogwarts, only slivers of moonbeams shining through the windows. The corridors were guarded by two teachers each, who held wands at the ready like swords. They were responsible for the "well being" of the students, which generally meant keeping everyone out of their hair. Until tonight. Tonight, Ginny had a plan.
A fake mark on her pale wrist. That of a barcode. It meant nothing, but teachers never checked the actual barcode itself, just that you had one and that you called everyone by their proper names, Sir and Ma'am and all of that. The meticulous lines that she had Hermione do not thirty minutes ago. It would all come down to this.
With a deep breath Ginny walked into the hallway, where she was immediately stopped by the guards.
"Hey! Show the code!" She feigned being scared at the teacher catching her, though did what she was told. As Ginny rolled up the right sleeve of her robe, she looked in amazement at the line work. Hermione had done a really nice job! She realized that she was breathing too quickly at the thought of being caught and slowed herself down. It would not help to be suspicious.
"Hello, sir. I just left something important in a classroom and I came to get it." Ginny hoped her voice sounded plain and normal. So far it seemed to work.
"Hurry up and grab it and get back to bed! You should know the rules!" Ginny breathed a sigh of relief as the man released her wrist. She quickly thanked the tired teachers in her mind and gave a small salute.
"Thank you sir."
Truth is, she hadn't lost anything, but she was going to the meeting place. After they lost the battle, the room of requirment was converted into a room for the resistance to hide out and plan. That's where she was going tonight. They were planning on recruiting first years. They wanted at least two kids from every year in on this. There was comfort in numbers.
__________________  People are drawn to you because of your peaceful and nurturing persona. While
quite softspoken, you put the needs of others above your own needs and show
a real empathy for all living things. Your warm heart could keep a blizzard away. |