This is before The Announcer..? ¼ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls Quote:
Originally Posted by Albert Kettleburn "Yes, start with the cafeteria. There are plenty of people here in the office working on other projects, but you're the only one I have on that particular activity," Albert nodded at the young man's questions. If that was all... then Mr. Nevez could go about his business.
"I'd appreciate your subtlety down there, of course. No need to raise any alarms before we are ready for it." They may be doing everything right, and Albert didn't want anyone running scared. "I'm sure I'll see you again soon." João nodded, then said "Okay." He jerked slightly to get up, but halted by Minister's word. "Of course." He wasn't going to 'alarm' anyone, anyway. He bowed with his head and got up. "Have a nice day, sir," he said and stepped out of the office. |