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Old 12-17-2013, 08:56 AM   #312 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
Posts: 25,070

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jasper Hart
First Year

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½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf

SPOILER!!: Victoria
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post

Victoria gave a slight shrug, “No reason for apologies. I was just busy with my work and wasn’t aware anyone had come in is all. He hadn’t done anything wrong for me to be frightened. Just always on guard I guess.” Which really she wasn’t usually a very trusting person, maybe it was the babies that made her mamma bear protection jump higher. Oh more personnel around. She thought about the reason behind this, but didn’t think long when Emily started to explain. “Is it because of that woman getting away? They don’t think she is still around the area do they?” Honestly she had read things, but wasn’t sure what to believe plus if Bart was going to school at Hogwarts was it safe. “I’m not sure what they would actually find up in our area, but I don’t mind seeing more security.” Anything to keep them safe made this thirty four year old feel better.

She gave a small smile as Em gave a happy birthday, “Oh thank you, it wasn’t much of a day really. So much was going on with Charely’s nephew it was just kind of pushed aside.” Bart remembered so that’s what counted and her best friend the rest wasn’t really that big of a deal. “Oh you’re probably right I should get away. A weekend of relaxation does sound kind of nice. Maybe the next time I go to the healer I’ll make sure it’s fine for a trip and then go.” She wouldn’t want to go somewhere and end up in labor or something. That wouldn’t be good. “Don’t forget to take your own advice at times. Get away and relax. I bet you haven’t stopped since getting this position.” Emily seemed to be a worker that really didn’t give herself enough time to relax.

She cringed at the thought o Durmstrang, that’s where Luc had been. No she would never send a child there ever. “Hogwarts will be fine. His father threatened a muggle school I think that threat alone made him decide he had to force selfcontrol.” Not that muggle schools were horrible, but what wizard would want to go to one of those if they had a wand and magic. None that she could think of at least.

“Gavin exaggerate..” She laughed the man was afraid of probably his own mothers touch of course a woman kissing him would flip him out to know end. When she asked the question Vic laughed out loud, “Oh.. that.” Yes why would a single mother participate in some silly love potion. “Bored really. I had been here for two years didn’t really know anyone and decided it was time to get out and try something new.” She continued to laugh thinking about it. “Wouldn’t you know the day I signed up for it was the day I met Charely. Talk about awkward. So we go on our first date and I have to tell him that the next day I would be taking some silly love potion.” Luckily Charely didn’t mind and stuck with her through it even after her kissing another man. She gave Emily a brow raise to her questioning the fun part. Really did her friend live at the ministry and not date.. Hmm she shook her head, “Oh I don’t know. Mess with him a bit to push his buttons. Control freaks can be a bit fun in relationships at times.” She shrugged well she thought so at least.

Emily tilted her head to the side, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. "Her escape was something that could not be ignored, but it's not my sole reason for reviewing the division..." she expected the best, and they had been under performing, were even lazy in the way they conducted themselves. There was no method to the madness, just mess. "You'd be surprised," she added, smirking. "The Atrium is Securities hot spot, but it's only one level." Besides, who was to say security issues were restricted to people getting in and out of the main entrance? Or that threats came from outside? Hhhhmmmm?

Pushed aside, the way Vic said that made it sound like a bad thing. Like birthdays shouldn't go unnoticed. While Emily was sympathetic to her friend - to an extent, she couldn't really commit enough to pass comment. Birthdays were overrated. Besides, age was just a number. She smiled again, nodding. Yes, pregnant ladies should get away, put their feet up, and then wait for the impending doom that was birth. Had she not been given that advice before, Emily would have laughed in Vic's face. "I'm not the holidaying type," she mused, though that wasn't entirely true. She did get away, and travel... for work purposes, or at least close to. Her project had been abandoned though, the trail was cold, and there was only a dead end in sight. "I like to keep busy, I tend to go mad if I'm not preoccupied." So her new position was a blessing to her. It kept her busy enough while still affording her the luxury of working to her own schedule - should she want to, or need to.

Muggle school! HA! Hilarious. Not that there was anything wrong with geography, arithmetic and grammar studies... except that it wasn't magic. Well good luck to them.

Gavin, exaggerating was an amusing topic, so Emily was perfectly comfortable with chuckling along with Vic on that one -- for a short time, then she stopped. She'd witnessed his exaggerating first hand and on numerous occasions, it was just one of his many quirks - and one that she found amusing. For the life of her though, she couldn't fathom why anyone would willingly subject themselves to testing a love potion... the thought in itself was completely ridiculous and vile. "... It didn't occur to you to get a hobby?" she asked, still confused about WHY she participated. "At least, it worked out?" she finished. Considering they managed to date, and... produce fetuses... it wasn't a bad outcome. For them.

Vic's mention of pushing buttons she understood, yes, that was fun, especially with control freaks... but relationships? "You don't need to be in a relationship to do that," she pointed out. Or was she missing something? Unless she was talking about other buttons... .... .... in which case. Moving on.

She'd been about to change the topic, and was about to check the time to see how long she had left of her break when....


Originally Posted by The Announcer View Post
Is that rain? Snow? Something must be very wrong with the climate controls, because it seems to be precipitating indoors!
Emily looked up, light drops of... liquid... dripping on her face, and in her hair, and on her clothes. Merlin. Was it raining?

With the slightest flick of her wrist, Emily summoned her wand into her palm and directed it to the ceiling, "Finite!" What. Was. This. Maddness?! HUUHHH?!?! WHY WAS IT RAINING INSIDE?!


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