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]I think what gets me sometimes is that I get kinda caught up in what I feel like an eleven-year-old (or however old) SHOULD be, not what they actually are in real life. Like, in my opinion, eleven-year-olds and such shouldn't have boyfriends/girlfriends yet, but it's clear in real life they do, as Anna said, even if it's just them saying they have one and that's it. Not all have/want boyfriends/girlfriends, of course, but some do. And even for those that don't have them, they may have a little crush on someone. I know I had a crush on a boy in my class around that time. I was too shy to do anything about it, and eventually I got over it, but...yeah

So I guess I sometimes just need to get out of my head and remember what it actually is like to be these ages, and maybe that's just me I dunno :3
I think that was where I was going with that paragraph... I'm not sure if that made as much sense as it did in my head o_O
Ugh. Brigette. You are my FAVORITE, did you know? All of this. Agreed.
I definitely play a character as how I feel they
should be acting for their age group, not based on how they realistically do. Even if we play a character totally different from us in age or in attitude who says and does dumb things we don't always agree with (I know mine does), some of the morals and ethics they base their decisions off of DO come from us. It's only natural for charries to have a couple of common traits with their RPers, since they come from our brains and all. That's probably a reason why our characters differ so much, because we do too.
*insert inspirational music here*
As for the answering in classes bit, I know there are some super witty characters who always know answers to posed questions and those who struggle with studies, but I just love to see some growth in this area, you know? It's my favorite to notice a student not understanding and having a tough time in a class, and then watch them become more confident in their smarts as they progress and grow older and expand their knowledge in a field.
Before Alice's third term, I was pretty inactive, so I'm not exactly sure how I played her out. I'm almost 100% sure I didn't do it right, though. I think this thread is a really good resource, not only a place to discuss, and I'm glad it was made, because even though we all have different opinions on how kids of a certain age should act, these are some really helpful tips for people who don't know where to start. Definitely hope this thread is going to be beneficial to those of us playing first years!
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I know I personally felt pretty grown up around that age, and I know plenty of 9-14 year olds who don't act juvenile or anything like that so yeah it does bother me when firsties act six years old or seventeen, but as long as it doesn't effect me personally, and ooc the RPers accept that there might be reactions to their charries being slightly out of the ordinary maturity wise then... go forth and have fun.
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I do honestly think first years are the hardest age because every individual is different. Everyone is different. I think what truly matters is consistency though. If you're going to play a character a certain way don't ride the middle line. That's what makes a character believable- at least to me.
*agreeeees* Just gonna quote these for... posterity. Ahem. Yeah.