12-28-2012, 12:06 AM
Ravenclaw House Table ![](http://i1247.photobucket.com/albums/gg635/SchoolStaff_PB/School%20Graphics/Term%2036%20Table%20Banners/R2.jpg) banner by Vesper Bayliss (Govoni) The Eagles sit under a brand new navy and bronze banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. It was once said that the Hogwarts House Elves are the best in the world. It is up to your stomach to agree... but surely it will! Why wouldn't it like elf cooking?
If you're thirsty, there is also fresh pumpkin juice and water on the table, regardless of whether or not it is actually mealtime. |