Thread: Adoption Table
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Old 12-15-2013, 03:11 AM   #58 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Originally Posted by HOPEendures View Post
Heather shook her head and laugh, "Bless you." Jasper wanted her opinion to help answer a question . "Hmm?" Heather looked a him and cocked her head to the right then to the left. Curious or introverted? "I don't know. That's a tough one." She then gave him a wide smile, "Curious. You are definitely odd, funny, and eccentric." She said poking him with her finger as she said each word.

She laughed and bumped up against him. "You just don't come off as an introverted to me. Maybe I'm not the best person to let you know, but I would say curious."
Jasper wasn't going to even ask Heather what sort of 'funny' she had meant just there. Instead he shot her a clearly amused unamused look as he checked off his answer to the seventh question in a quite deliberate manner. "Quirky it is, then!"

"And I am, or I can be. I was especially so as a child, you know. I almost never left the Ravenclaw tower. And if I did I was in the library. Though, you try explaining to hormonal people that you could at any minute fall out and start uttering nonsense out loud to no one in particular." And see, Jasper thought that THIS is what would brand him an outcast. Though, perhaps some of his classmates would've said his hair. Far too long for his face. He finished the application and turned it in.

Originally Posted by Riverlynn View Post
Bay wandered down the avenue and finally came upon the adoption table. Some kids had been running around the Leaky Cauldron with their newly adopted pets and the adoption event going on. At first she had rolled her eyes at the whole thing but seeing the happiness that they were experiencing gave the newly graduated third year a pang of jealousy. Having saved up for something important over the last two years perhaps this was what she would spend her money on.

Having decided it was safe to at least look into the whole affair she was a bit surprised to see the event sprawled out before her. After looking into the cages she made her way over to the main booth and filled out the application.

Here goes nothing....
Goodness, there were a lot of children without their parents here! Maybe, though he ought to have taken it as a good sign that the year's new hirers at the Department of Law Enforcement were shaping up well, and that it was safe enough for the children to run about unescorted as often as they seemed to. Did that mean that they'd apprehended the time thief and he just hadn't heard about it?

"What sort of animal are you hoping to get?" He asked the little girl with a smile.

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