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At first Altair thought he said something that his father forbid hip to say, but then he realized it sounded more like 'cup.' He took in a deep breath, it was just another new term he would have to learn. "Oh, I see, that's...interesting," he said as he scratched the pup under the chin and then stood up once more.
"New?" Altair chuckled. "That's a bit of an understatement. A few weeks ago, the only magic I thought existed were card tricks and sawing people in half." He smiled at the tall new guy, who called himself Jun. "I'm Altair." He held out his hand for a shake. That's what his father always did when he introduced himself to new people. "And my owl up there," he nodded upward, "is my new owl, Merlin. My first piece to this new life!"
"Hogwarts!" he shouted. "Sorry, my mind had been drawing a blank trying to remember the name of that school...my school," he corrected. "You really think they can teach kids with no experience? Is there other people that come from muggles?" Altair just learned the term 'muggle' and he was hoping he was using it correctly.
Card tricks.
Jun remembered when he played those
card tricks on his older brother when he found out he was a wizard. Yup, that was a good summer.
"Oh, those magic tricks. Well, those are mostly illusion tricks. But our magic tricks are more fun," Jun grinned. Which was true because people who couldn't do magic would get all confused. Plus, they had their own joke shop which worked on wizards and muggles. Jun had to stock up on those too.
"Nice to meet you, Altair," he shook the boy's hand.
"Merlin. Like the famous wizard," he nodded.
"Well, I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy this new life very much! And this is Uggie, a hyperactive crup," Because who wouldn't love being a wizard? Jun definitely loved it and he was the only one back home who was. SCORE! Jun jumped up a bit when Altair shouted out his school name.
"You're going to attend Hogwarts too?! Awesome! I'm sure you'll be sorted into a good house. But of course, us Ravenclaws are the best,"
Nudge. Nudge.
Wink. Wink.
Because let's be honest; Ravenclaws were the BEST house.
Ugh, he was muggleborn too. Jun and Altair had way too much in common for just meeting. But not really a bad thing.
"Of course they can! You're talking to one right now," Jun stood proud. There was no shame in being muggleborn.
"Lots of us come from muggles, or non-magic people. Nothing to be shamed about. Even those who come from magical parents have to learn just like us. Even if they're one step ahead," Mhm. Many great wizards were muggleborn too. Just like Jun hoped to be.