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Old 12-12-2013, 09:37 PM   #18 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Originally Posted by HOPEendures View Post
Jasper's hug was short but it still lit her eyes up and gave her reason to smile. She had come to terms with touch lately. Heather didn't mind a hand shake or a small touch to the back these days. Things she had used to flinch at and shy away from. She had become emotionally stable, balancing everything once again. She had felt alive.

"I'm doing good." Much better than good actually. She hadn't had a restless night in a while and her mornings didn't look so bleak. "I've been busy, yes. Not with work as much as other things though," she said softly. She looked away from him as blush colored her cheeks. "How have you been doing? What brings you here?" Surely not a cuddle buddy.

Jasper had found that remark about being busy with other things rather ominous, but it might have also been that he has just learned to read between what was said with Heather. They had, post their initial meeting finely tuned themselves to each's frequencies. A blissful sort of curse that he attributed to fate.

But then, she had sounded so positive about it and also seemed to be looking just as happy. Maybe she had found her Marco turned around in her favour on his deliberations? Maybe the reason behind her use of more cryptic language could be explained by her having found someone else entirely?

Why had that last idea sat there for so long? It had been so long since his best friend, Astoria. had any boyfriends (if ever now that he thought about it) and so it made it hard to tell if what he was experiencing was purely platonic...or not. Perhaps, it was merely a protective instinct. Yes. That was probably it. "Actually, Heather, that's exactly why I'm here." He stuck out his elbow and playfully leaned against Heather's shoulder withholding the natural weight of the posture. "My apartment gets a bit too quiet at night and weekends and I hardly feel like going out each night is a solution. Et tu?"
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