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Harron Peasley People were good. Company took her mind off of herself and her dad and... other people. Not that she was in a bad mood: Charlie had cheered up considerably at the prospect of summer. Sun, and travelling, and interning.
She couldn't stop grinning every time she thought about anything remotely connected.
Grins were happening, now, and also because she had a friend! To share the long journey back with and all that jazz. "Careful," she warned with a grin, because if those sweets ended up on the floor and she didn't get to try even one.... Well, that was totally not fair. And it was like he could read her mind! Charlies grin widened as she took her seat. "I would love some." Even if she'd eaten herself full to bursting last night. Speaking of. "You enjoy the feast?"
Pfft. That was something Jun never was. Only because he enjoyed the adreline rush of not being careful. Which caused him to have a broken arm, wrist, and many bruises. Especially with the type of brother he had. Their poor parents. Jun grinned as he held out his bag of treats towards Charlie. She had plenty of choices to pick from. From minty to lollipops. Chocolate to his all time favorite..
Oh, the feast. Right.
Jun nodded. "Wasn't anything too grand, like at first feast, but still enjoyable," It would've been a bit more enjoyable if Jun hadn't caught a strange cold towards the end of term. He was still recovering from it now. "Did you plan anything for the summer yet?" He asked.