Originally Posted by
dans_grl431 The end of term had fast approached. Blair practically skipped towards the Gryffindor table, it had been a good term for the little lion. Blair had been excited about the feast but now she was here the realisation hit her: She had to go home. Back to the mad house and all of the arguing and drama that came with it. On the bright side, she was looking forward to seeing her Father and filling him in on what she had been up to.
Slowly but surely the table was filling up. She knew she was a little late but at least she wasn't the only one. Thankfully, it looked like she hadn't missed the Headmistress' speech.
She adjusted her headband then took a seat. Glancing up the table, Blair didn't see anyone she recognised. Nonetheless, she smiled at her fellow Gryffindors and said, "Hey guys. I can't believe it's the end of term feast already! It was getting rather boring back at the Hufflepuff table since nobody had really been talking to him, so Dylan decided to go see if he could find his new friend Blair over at her table. Sure enough, there she was sitting with her fellow lions. Smiling, he waved to get her attention before he made his way over and took the empty seat next to her.
"Hi, Blair!" he said to her with a cheerful smile. He then realized he kind of didn't ask if he could sit next to her...she could have been saving that seat for someone, for all he knew.
"Oh, do you mind if I sit here?" he added quickly.