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Addi bit her lip and nodded. "Yeah. I thought it was going to be horrible when I heard the word 'dungeons'. Definitely not horrible. And the people are nice. Most of them anyways." There were a couple snakes she didn't care much for but that was bound to happen.
She smiled. Not really wanting to talk about school and such. That's why she was here. To forget school and such.
Beau nodded. It was good that they were nice, rude people well they were disposed of....Easily. But he would be keeping that thought to himself. Dont freak out the pretty girl.
"Well at least I'll already have a friend going in zere!" He smiled hoping that she was his friend. Otherwise it would be awkward!
"Lets not talk about school anymore. Were going to have so much of it for the next year so.. What do you want to talk about?"