Originally Posted by
dans_grl431 Blair followed Dylan down to the kitchens. She had never been down here before and so tried to take in all of her surroundings. They made their way round the tables and towards the freezer. Blair could not help but smile. She'd been worried about making any friends at all at school. Yet here she was, getting ice cream with Dylan. She was so glad they had met, in such a short space of time she felt they had became pretty good friends. No longer did she find herself wandering the corridors alone.
As Dylan reached into the freezer Blair looked around the kitchens. Noticing several house elves busy at work. She eyed up the two tubs of ice cream, okay she was getting really hungry now.
"Yes that sounds awesome!" She replied excitedly.
"What flavours of ice cream are there?" she said peering over. "We should make them extra huge and add a little of everything."
She could just imagine her father's face now if he was here. It's not like he didn't allow her to eat candy, he just didn't want her eating a lot. Oh well, what he doesn't know can't hurt him she thought.
"There's tons of flavors!" Dylan said, gesturing to the freezer.
"You pick whichever you like. I'm having these," he said, patting both the tubs of cookies n' creme ice cream. He probably only really needed one, but you never know how much is in them.
The first year next poked about the place, looking for some bowls for him and Blair. He had only been in here once before, so he still wasn't quite sure where everything was kept. Finally, he came upon where the bowls were kept and took out two, then grabbed two spoons. He rushed back to Blair and placed the bowls next to each other. He then began scooping the ice cream into his bowl.
"What kind are you having?" he asked, glancing behind him at Blair.