Originally Posted by
StarShine That only made Forrest's shoulders slump more. He was so heartbroken and sad that he didn't even argue with Fern about Bristol. He had a few words about Bristol as she seemed to always be VERY busy, but he kept them to himself. He wasn't as good as her about love matters, but he was sure that wasn't how people fell in true love with each other.
He slowly sat down as he refused to look at her. "We could have been happy together..." he muttered to himself. They could have tended an elephant. Adopted, even! He was sure Alec didn't have such dreams. He probably only cared about his own seeking career and showing off with Ella's captaincy whereas Forrest would have TRULY CARED about her.
"Cutty thinks I shouldn't listen to you," he said as an after-thought as his eyes were still on the floor. He was too depressed to care about her expression, really.
Not hearing what Forrest muttered because she was too busy imagining his future romance with Bristol, Fern plopped down next to her fellow Hufflepuff with a happy sigh. She could just picture Forrest and Bristol together. Together forever. They would hold hands and take picnics by the great lakes with sandwiches cut in the shape of hearts and write F + B on the frosted windows in the winter, and of course they would tell Fern all about it, and it would be so romantic.
Soooo romantic.
Fern sighed again, and she opened her mouth to tell Forrest just how wonderful it would be when he said that name, Cutty, and made Fern so angry she wanted to SCREAM.
Which she did. Jumping to her feet with a shriek, Fern stomped her foot and shouted,
"CUTHBERT!? CUTHBERT IS THE MOST AWFUL BOY EVER! AND-" Then two things dawned on the 11-year-old. First, that Cuthbert had been talking about her behind her back! HOW DARE HE BE TALKING ABOUT HER WHEN SHE WASN'T THERE!? And second, and even more importantly, that FORREST HAD BEEN TALKING BEHIND FERN'S BACK
Fern couldn't believe it. First Forrest was "too cool" to do facials with her on his birthday. Then he started hanging out with Tora, and he began plotting to end Ella and Alec's true love. AND NOW he was HANGING OUT WITH CUTHBERT!?
"FORREST CHARLETON, YOU ARE DEAD TO ME!" She cried, and she scrambled into the common room, determined to never speak to him again. Even - EVEN! - if he and Bristol finally got together. Fern didn't want to hear about it.