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With animals? That was most likely the last thing that Hannah would want to work with. She didn't have anything against most of the magical creatures, but she didn't like getting dirty or having to clean up poop, but wait did she say dragons? "Wow, that sounds interesting." and kinda dangerous, but she was sure that Laura knew that so there wasn't any need to mention it. "I have no idea what I want to do... maybe work with money in some way." She liked money. Honestly, she didn't have any clue. "COMC is pretty easy so that shouldn't be hard to do." They sure did go through a lot of professors though so who knew what they would end up with in their seventh year.
The next thing that came out of Laura's mouth actually surprised Hannah. "That's really nice of you. I might just take you up on that offer." She couldn't just flat tell the girl no, and who knew she might just need that break after all. She wondered how Laura seemed to know that something was bothering her. Hannah thought that she wasn't putting out any bad vibes, although deep down she was hurting so who knew what kind of aura she had around her.
Laura looked at Hannah and smiled. "I think it would be awesome if you worked with money." Laura thought that Hannah would be awesome working with Money and she just wished that her friend would be able to decide what she wanted to do before the end of next term, though she knew that they had until the end of next year to decide what they wanted to do.
Laura smiled. "Anytime you want to come over you can." Laura couldn't believe how much they had changed since the first time they had met when they had poured tea and butterbear all other each other. "So what have you got planned this summer?" Laura hoped her friend would tell her what was wrong, she knew something was wrong but didn't want to seem to nosy.