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So it sounded like they were actually on the same page. "It's funny you say that because I have actually been thinking about the same thing." Okay, she needed to calm down. This was not like her at all. "I know, I can't believe that we are going to be seventh years next term." Then there was graduation. She would be an adult. "Do you even know what you wanna do when you graduate?" This was all important stuff. What had come over her? She was actually starting to freak out a bit about it. She thought that if her dad was still around then these things would not bother her, but things were changing... even in her own family. She didn't even know what tomorrow would hold.
Laura looked at Hannah and smiled. "I want to work with Animals, I'm thinking of dragons." Laura smiled, she thought it would be cool if she could. "Though as you know it would mean me getting a good COMC grade something I'm hoping to do." Laura was going to try her hardest to get everything done.
Laura smiled as she listened to Hannah. "You know if you ever need a break or anything you can always come round to my house in the summer, I'm sure my parents won't mind." Laura was sure of it and it did seem like Hannah could use a break.