Lex scowled at the idea of missing a spot, not the fact that her best friend had told her about it. What were spots still doing on this thing after a second cleaning? Did they think she had time to waste away up here in the Lab? Well she didn't. The Gryffindor gave it another hard rub, and another....and another until the spot had completely disappeared.
"There! Much better!"
She reached for the holding cream next and sprayed it all over the telescope, making sure not to have the coating come out thick. It specifically said thin. She could read. There was a side glance at Cassia and her lack of shame when it came to how she raised Venom.
"Well stop. She needs to get it herself." As simple as that. If they always got her her food then Merlin forbid they lost her one day she would DIE. No instincts on her, none.
Now all that was left was to get this thing to dry then she could begin that looong assignment ahead. It'd probably take them the entire year or so, the entire year of being out pass curfew. Heh.
As she was packing up Cassia's words struck her and she turned to the girl immediately.
"She's a Tarantula, last I checked, they were killers. It's in their nature and you're trying to take it out of her for no good reason." Poor Venom. At least one of her guardian's accepted her for the mindless, killing machine she was.
"I don't mind you coming, you can see how it's meant to be done with predators." Because the spider was one, mhm. But on a light note as she grabbed her things so they could leave.
"Really. Awww, she's like that. I think she's really taken a liking to stars." Felix would have to as well. He was going to have to be her company.
And now they could go.