Text Cut: DecemberMoon
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Eliza nodded encouraginly to the younger girl. "Yeah, I really do! They look sturdy and everything." They really did. Their saddle was all aglow with happy little runes, a sight Eliza enjoyed a lot.
She held her arms out to brace Sophie just in case she fell as she was mounting the horse. Luckily she wasn't needed there, because Sophie got on just fine. She seemed to be doing it pretty slowly, which Eliza thought was a good idea, so as not to scare the horse. "Good job Sophie! I think the horse likes you. Have you ever ridden before?" she asked as she started leading Sophie and the horse down the path towards the Groundskeeper's hut.
It sure looked like a long walk from here but the bushes and puddles made a pretty clear course, showing them where to go. The first thing they encountered was just a bush. She'd never steered a horse before, or led one, but it seemed fairly easy to get the horse to avoid it by slightly pulling on the reins to the left. It wasn't like the horse wanted to walk on the prickly bush anymore than she did, right?
Sooo, Sophie was now on the horse and being held still by Eliza. She looked down and almost wished she hadn't. Brooms, she trusted. Horses? Not so much. It was way too Muggle for her comfort zone.
"No," she said, answering Eliza's question.
"I think I'd rather be riding a broom..." Then a thought occurred to her, and she looked at the horse.
"No offense." That was the last thing she needed while on top of this creature.
...and they were off.
Sophie saw a bush ahead, and although it wasn't too big of an obstacle, she decided now was a good time to start the chanting.
"Fehu, fehu, fehu...f f f f f f f f f...fu fa fi fe fo...of ef if af uf...f f f f f f f f f," she said. She looked dow at Eliza.
"I decided to do the rune for luck first," she added with a grin.