SPOILER!!: The Glowing Brothers
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To say that Alec was scared was a lie. He was downright terrified of the fact that he had to LEAD the horse over towards the Groundskeeper's hut. And because of this, basic pieces of information had flown out of his mind faster than you can say Grani. Information like where exactly the Groundskeeper's hut was.
... Yeah... they were doomed.
Face still pale and grey eyes still wide in fear, Alec simply nodded along to Wade before saying, "Y-you too, mate." And Curly was chanting the Galdr for Raidho. ... Raidho... the rune for safe travels. Which meant that they would be travelling safely over towards the--
... Was that a... NO. NO. What were boulders doing in the middle of their path?!
Alec let out a small whimper, his chin wobbling just a little bit. Why oh why did Wade say that he should lead? Him... the guy who had trouble cracking open an egg was now going to somehow lead the horse to jump over the boulders in front of them. And how exactly was he meant to do that? Jump a little on the horse until she ended up jumping too? What if that hurt the horse? He was NOT allowed to do that under any circumstances.
He did try, though. The Hufflepuff bounced a little on the horse but... nothing seemed to be happening. The boulders were growing nearer and nearer at an alarming rate. ... Uh oh. Panic settled in and he let out another whimper, mentally cursing all those times he had decided not to pay attention to those horse riding shows. Paying attention would have proved to be useful at a time like this.
At the last minute, the boy took a deep breath, squeezed his eyes shut and pulled the reins up towards his chest gently out of fright. He couldn't tell what was happening but his stomach seemed to be clenching. And the horse... Nicole seemed to have moved upwards. He was waiting for the crash. It was going to happen. It was--
... Oh?
Blinking his eyes open he looked around to see... nothing in front of them. They were just jogging along the path. And there were no boulders. He looked around him to see the edge of the boulders behind him... and let out a sigh of relief. Had they... jumped? Or had something else happened entirely? Whatever it was, Alec grinned over at Wade before hastily looking towards the front again.
... "Hey... Curly? We are on the right track, right?" And please don't be mad, yeah?
You know this ride wasn't bad at all. Botros had said so to them, and Wade agreed. This was just as nice as on a broom. Even though he wasn't steering this time, he felt like Alec would agree on this.
..Hm? He looked right up when his set the tip of his wand to attach the surface of it. Were they going the right path? He furrowed his brows before shifting himself to look down.. "
Yeah, we're still on the path." He squinted ahead once right side up again, "
I think I see the hut just over there, it's really small but not that far from us." He beamed before clapping Alec's shoulder with the same hand he had use to point out the Hut. Spiffy Lec was doing good leading, did he know? Nicole too, as he pat the side of her back again. Pat. Pat.
Now it was back to invoking runes. Looked down at where his wand was at.. Oh, yeah. Let's not invoke Alec there. Moving it right back onto the saddle he started again, "
Sowilo sowilo sowilo... s s s s s s s s s... s s s o o o l l l... su sa si se so..." The glowing was intense. He concentrated on how important seeking through their journey was. How successful they needed to be and everything.
"(sul sal sil sel sol)... us as is es os... si se su sa su... s s s s s s s s s..." Ponds, logs, boulders, you don't stand a chance against them.