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Team ronmione Ella seemed to have soft touch on the horse because it didn't freak out on them or anything. Which was always a good sign. Tag didn't want to get stomped on or knocked off his feet by the horses wing or something. So Tag just smiled at her. Not in a creepy way. But in a 'you're doing good' way to both Ella and the horse. Good. Introductions. Tag waved at the horse when Ella said his name.
"Yeah, yeah. Sure I'll do the neck." Tag said agreeing happily. But first he watched Ella do the spell. He walked over to the horses neck and said, very slowly, "Mutare fibula" with his stone thurisaz over his wand.
The horses hair on its neck began to turn white. That was a good sign. So, their first step was done. And onto the next part of the task. Which would be fixing the runestones onto the saddle. That shouldn't be too hard, yeah?
The horse was doing well so far and so were they. She could tell by small movements from the creature that it wasn't the most comfortable with the changes happening to it but it also wasn't trampling them so they must be doing something right. The blonde gave Tag an appreciative smile when he agreed to do the next and stepped to the side, giving the Gryffindor room to work. Her smile widened as the hair began to change color, her head tilted to the side while she observed the spell in action.
"Nice job, Tag." Seriously.
And now they had to deal with the saddle. Ella looked through her runestones again, trying to think of ones that would be useful for them during their task.
"What...about Algiz?" That seemed like a good one, especially considering that neither of them had ever ridden a horse before.
"It's all about protection erm...offensive and defensive. Using it before we ride would be offensive, yeah? It'd help us not fall off or anything." Hopefully.
"I can work on fixing that one to the saddle if you want to think of another one?"