¼ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls Quote:
Originally Posted by Albert Kettleburn Albert really DID appreciate the respect and decorum his new personal assistant was showing, and he gave the man a polite nod when he finally appeared in the doorway. "Come in, come in, Mr. Neves. Do you know, I had a Department Head let herself into my office unannounced last year? And then she had the gall to leave without being dismissed. I don't have to tell you how unbecoming I find that sort of behavior."
There were several chairs in front of his desk, and Albert pointed to the one in the center, nearest to him. "Please have a seat. There are a number of things I would like to say to you, but let me open the floor to you first. You've been here only a short period of time. Do you have questions or concerns? Any answers I can help you find?" João came in, his hands tied behind himself, as he listened to the RUDE woman. It wasn't up to him to criticise the woman, but he didn't approve of such behaviour too. "Of course, sir," he said simply and sat down to the seat he was shown. "Thank you, sir," he said, "I don't have any problems right now." There were things he wondered, but he could ask them to other people. He was here to assist the Minister, not drown him with his personal questions. |