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Team ronmione No, Ella. Leprechauns did not know how to ride Granian horses. Nor did they know how to ride actual horses. But there was a first for everything. If only the horse were a unicorn, then that daydream Tag had over the summer, of a leprechaun riding a unicorn, would have come true. Anyway. And, yes! Ella was willing to work with Tag. GRIN. Why was Ella borrowing Tag's hands? Ok, and now she was holding them. What was she doing? Tag watched the girl carefully placing the runestones in his hands and then picking one of them, Thurisaz as she had said.
And attention back on her. "Nope. I've never ridden a horse before. So this is new for me. Have you?" Because if she did, she could take control. Again. An Ella was smarter and older, so, she was automatically wiser and knew what to do. That's how it works.
Okay so what had Botros said? You needed to hold the runestone over your wand? Ella fiddled with Thurisaz and her wand, trying to get a comfortable grip going. She figured that was just as important as having the incantation and movement right, y'know? As she practiced, she listened intently to Tag about his riding experience. So he was a newbie too, huh? That was comforting. It meant he wouldn't think Ella was completely lame if she did something silly while they were riding.
"I've never ridden a horse either, actually." But she was bouncing so she was clearly excited. Clearly.
"I bet we'll be fast learners, though."Or at least she was hoping that was the case.
"It's sort of a shame their wings will be mended to their bodies. They look so cool when they expand them." The wings, that is.