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Old 11-13-2013, 01:31 AM   #274 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Becky View Post
When Quinn walked into the conference room, Charles looked to her and greeted her with a nod. He knew Gidyun had a job for them, so he was hoping that the man would just skip the small talk and explain. His eyes finally lifted when Gidyun spoke and he nodded when it was all explained. "I can do that." Nodding, he reached over for the papers, took them when Gidyun relinquished them and looked over them.

"I believe that the two American people will be easier for Layla and Quinn to take. I can take the Romanian lady - If Romanian is her first language, then it may be a little more difficult for her to communicate. I'd like to be able to help her any way I can." he explained his reasoning.
Looking towards Charles as he took a look at the papers, Gidyun nodded when he explained why it was he was choosing the Romanian woman, rather than the two Americans. He understood the reasoning behind it, it'd be easier with languages, being Charles spoke over a dozen already. "Excellent, I was leaning towards having your help making sure she's is situated alright."

Originally Posted by Unalii View Post
Elizabeth walked in and sighed, mouthing sorry to her boss before sitting down to focus on what he said. She messed with a loose brown curl and nodded to Charles.
Looking up as Elizabeth walked in he gave her a smile and brief nod. "We have 3 new ministry employees whom we are trying to ensure that the three of them are situated alright in their new positions and learn about Britain, helping them in any way that we can, to make their transition better and easier."

Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy View Post
Layla's head was down scribbling things as the department head spoke. It was funny to her, how she'd be the one having someone assigned to her when for month she was the one getting someone assigned to her when she was away in the other magical lands..

But wait what?

"The Americans?" There was a slight frown. "I'm not exactly looking for easier..but sure I'll take the American."
Whoops! He was sure Charles hadn't meant for her to take offense on his comment, "I don't think Charles meant easier exactly, but with Charles being fluent in over 12 languages, I think he's thinking along the right lines of her being a bit more comfortable. Especially if English isn't her first language." If Layla really was fussed, maybe she'd like to work together with Charles with Ms. Winnington-Mae?