follow me; everything is all right.
Once you enter the train, the door behind you shuts closed. Not three seconds later, the train slowly begins to move forward. But that’s not the most interesting thing; You’ll find a piece of parchment floating in front of you that reads: All stories I have told,
Goblins revolting and
Mysteries unfold,
Mine ends with a beast
And a girl whose wits
saved the boy that lived
On the other side of the compartment, you’ll notice another piece of parchment marked with the words Who Am I?: is pasted to the door with a self-inking quill floating nearby. But before you can move forward, your attention catches on something... slithering beneath one of the benches. As the train picks up in speed, a large snake, roughly 12 feet long and thick as a grown man’s thigh appears before the opposite door. However, it makes no attempt to harm you, only hissing if you try to come to close. You might be wise not to push her buttons, though.