Chapter 5 "you wanna go see what Zee and Draco are up to?" Tony asked Tye as he sat down "no not really" Tye said "are you mad, because Zee is with Draco?" Tony asked "no" Tye lied "fine lets go" he said and got up Tony got up and said "bye" to Pansy, and left to go to the porttrait. "you going out with her?" Tye asked "what? oh Pansy?" Tony said "no...were just friends." "ojos preciosos"Hermione said and the portrait opened "What does that mean?" Ron asked "It means precious eyes in spanish" Hermione answered as they entered, Tony and Tye were behind them. Hermione turned around and saw them she rolled her eyes at them. "You know you like what you see" Tony said with a grin, but then he noticed Zee and Draco. Draco noticed them staring and he backed away from Zee they were still kissing. Harry was the first to break the silence "How much you pay this one?" Tye holded Tony back from hitting Harry for what he said about his sister. "Harry that was rude?" Hermione said "For once Granger is right" Draco said. But then Snape came in "Mr. and Ms. Ortiz the Headmaster wants to see you" Zee followed him out. Tony glared at Harry "better watch your back, Potter" he snarled and walked out "Good thing Tony left or he would of beat you up, if Tye hadnt holded him back" he said with a smirk and looked at Hermione, who was staring at Tony until he left and now she was in la la land. Ron elbowed Hermione "What?" she murmured "Whatever Tye lets go" Draco said and they walked out of the common room. Harry sat down near the fire. Ron looked at Hermione and said "Why were you staring at Tony for?" he asked suspiciously "you know if you dont want to go out with me you can go with him!" he said and sat down in the couch infront of Harry. "I can understand he has money, looks, he use to be a deatheater! Why wouldnt you be more interested in him" he said now looking at the fire. Hermione thought to herself, "Ron's right I like Tony, but its not the money or the looks. I've talked to him when his alone his really nice,funny and smart. But the only thing I dont like is that when the Darklord was alive he was a Deatheater" she thought and said "I dont know" she said looking at her feet. ><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><><> Hope you guys like this post. I wont be able to post until January 3 because of Holiday and Exams. Happy Holidays!! ^.^
Last edited by Sk8er girl; 12-15-2004 at 09:49 PM.