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"I have too! It's nice to learn about all of them, isn't it?" he said with a smile. He watched as she went back to reading, and couldn't help but feel a bit bad for having interrupted her while she was reading. Maybe he should end the conversation soon so she could get to her book? He knew how annoying it could be when one was trying to talk to you while reading. But who knew, maybe she was different. Maybe she didn't mind talking and reading at the same time. He was about to ask her when she answered his question about classes.
Herbology was a great class! Definitely one of his favorites. "I think my top favorite would have to be Potions. It's so fun and interesting!" he told her with a nod. The first year then glanced at the girl's book, deciding to finally ask if he was interrupting anything. "Am I interrupting your reading?" he asked, gesturing to the book with his hand.
"Oh I know, Potions is great! Herbology and Potions are a bit similar actually, so I quite like both." Bethany admitted. She did however prefer the location of the herbology classroom over the potions classroom. The lessons were great, the classroom though was not exactly so great. It was so stuffy in there!
Closing her book, she neatly put it back into her bag.
"Of course not! Don't worry about it, I've read that book more times than necessary." She laughed.
"If you do get bored or something though, don't be afraid to tell me, I won't mind." She said with a smile. Conversations had to end somewhere. She understood, but she didn't want him to feel as if he'd interrupted her reading, he hadn't at all!